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How to solve the problem of automatic license plate recognition in Huizhou Industrial zone

Time: 2024-06-23 View: 126
How to solve the problem of automatic license plate recognition in Huizhou Industrial zone

In the busy land of Huizhou industrial zone, Haifeng automatic door has won the trust of many enterprises with its advanced technology and stable performance. However, sometimes when the owner passes through the Haifeng automatic door, he will encounter the situation that the license plate can not be recognized, which undoubtedly brings inconvenience to the traffic. So, when it comes to license plate recognition, how do we solve it?

First of all, we need to identify the possible causes of unrecognized license plates. On the one hand, it may be due to the problems of the license plate itself, such as defaced license plate, fuzzy license plate number, etc. On the other hand, it may also be due to the vehicle traveling too fast or too close to the camera, causing the system to be unable to accurately recognize the license plate.

For these possible reasons, we offer the following solutions:

1. Check the status of the license plate: the owner should check whether the license plate is clean and clear before passing the Haifeng automatic door. If there is dirt or ambiguity, it should be cleaned or replaced in time.
2. Adjust the driving speed: When the owner approaches the Haifeng automatic door, the speed should be properly reduced to ensure that the vehicle passes at an appropriate speed, so that the system can accurately identify the license plate.
3. Adjust the position of the vehicle: When the owner passes the Haifeng automatic door, the vehicle should keep the appropriate distance from the camera to avoid being too close or too far to ensure that the system can capture the license plate information.

In addition, in order to further improve the accuracy and stability of license plate recognition, Haifeng automatic door is also constantly undergoing technical upgrades and optimization. We firmly believe that with the continuous progress and improvement of technology, the license plate recognition problem will be better solved.

In short, when encountering license plate recognition problems, owners do not have to worry and worry too much. By checking the status of the license plate, adjusting the driving speed and the position of the vehicle and other simple methods, most of the problems can be effectively solved. At the same time, we also look forward to Haifeng automatic door can continue to innovate and improve technology, to provide owners with a more convenient and efficient traffic experience.
Service Online Miss shiManager Li
  • 0755-29941300
  • 13823711712