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Protection system of hard fast door

Time: 2022-05-17 View: 605
Protection system of hard fast door:

   1. Infrared protection eye: opposite radio eyes are set on both sides of the door frame, and there are objects under the fast door to keep the door open; When the door body descends, there is an object passing below, and the door will open to the open position. When there is no obstacle below, the descent will be delayed.

   2. Bottom protection edge: when the door body is descending, because the object is in the blind area of infrared protection, when the door body presses against the obstruction below, the door body´s signal speed bounces back at the door opening, which is useful to protect the objects or pedestrians below the household to avoid accidents.

   3. Light curtain protection system: a grating wall is installed in the direction of straightening the local area. It is usually composed of 18 groups of optical heads, and 485 communication protocol is selected to calculate the orientation of the door curtain according to the time and actual height of the door curtain body, which is a useful method to protect passers-by or objects.

   generally, the outer surface of the door panel of the hard fast door is connected with the sealing strip, which requires that the error between the R-groove around the plate and the sealing strip is less than 10 wires during the stretching process of the door panel, so that the sealing strip and the door panel can be closely touched. In addition, when the air flow hits the door panel, it enters the narrow space of the door panel gap. In this process, the speed of gas activity will be accelerated under the promotion of air pressure.
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